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Everything you ever wanted to know about brandy mallory
plus a few other things...


Some basics and stuff


Brandy Mallory lives in Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada.
She's currently 18, living at home with her cats, her pet snail,

her dogs Copper and Spot, and her family type people who pay for the internet and her food and such.
She enjoys anime, video games, music (everything from heavy metal to pop),
hanging out with her insane friends, writing, drawing, designing tattoos (to which she has 2),
and talking about herself in third person.

She works at Boston Pizza as a pasta cook (even though she hates pasta),

goes to high school (as a returning Grad for an art class and economics),

and for some dumb reason goes lane swimming 3 times a week.




Randomly Riceball was inspired after a series of strange events

Event 1: Brandy goes over to friends house and watches all of Fruit's Basket in one day, exposing her to the riceball
Event 2: Brandy goes to Winnipeg (local city) and buys a riceball shaped purse (want one? I’ve got a link on the link page, if I have the link page up)
Event 3: Brandy has to do stupid Zine project for class and decides to do it on riceballs
Event 4: first page of Randomly Riceball written, drawn and colored. Brandy likes it, draws more and makes a webcomic out of it
Event 5: OMG! look! It's actually a webcomic now!

Anyway, that’s the basics. I'm not very good at codeing and stuff, so every once and a while I’ll do something wrong.
I hope you enjoy the comic, hopefully I’ll get the site looking nicer soon!
and have more pics of things that are interesting...


All Randomly Riceball characters and stuff are owned by brandymallory 2007. Please don’t reproduce without permission. Chances are if you ask, I’ll let you, so ASK first! 

Randomly Riceball is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. All hail them! *blows kisses*

Basic Indextemplate design by Ping Teo of The Jaded. He is great, this author would be clueless without his workshop thinger, trust me.
The 'Ocean Blue Indextemplate' is free-use for all Keenspacers, courtesy of the Workshop.